Wednesday, November 17, 2010

NaKniSweMo 2010: Week 2 Update

Holy sleeves, Batman! Is it already the middle of November? I've successfully gotten over the hump of the lower body of the sweater (which was getting pretty boring, with all that stockinette) and now I'm pushing through the sleeves. Can I just say that I hate sleeves? They're only slightly better than socks. I keep telling myself, yes, you have to make two, because nobody wants to wear a one-armed sweater.

Once the sleeves are finished, I will connect them to the rest of the body, and continue knitting the yoke (which is the part I'm looking forward to; yay colorwork!) I purchased some pretty turquoise yarn to go with the deep purple I already have. I can't wait to break through all of this monotonous gray and leap into some color!

Week 2 Update:
Yardage: ~500 yds
Stitches knit: ~19,656
Notes: Sleeves, sleeves, sleeves. I'm crying a little inside, because I know I have to do another one.


  1. So awesome! I wish I was good at a handy skill such as knitting.

  2. 19,656 stitches! Holy Moly! Once you finish it will all be worth it! I al so looking forward to seeing your pretty colorwork.
